The Pros And Cons Of Using Honeycomb Shades As Window Coverings

10 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Are you in need of new shades for your home's windows, but feel overwhelmed with all your options? One style you may be focused on is honeycomb shades, which also go by the name of cellular shades. They are made from a fabric with shells in the shape of honeycombs, and they can provide the following advantages and disadvantages to your home. 

Pros Of Honeycomb Shades

Many people love honeycomb shades because of their energy efficiency, which keeps your home well-insulated in both the summer and winter. This is because the honeycomb shape of the cells traps air and acts as a barrier between the window and the rest of your home, and does a better job with insulation than any other sort of blinds would do.

Honeycomb shades can also offer light control based on how they are manufactured. You can get blackout shades, which means the inside of the honeycombs are lined with a material that does not allow light to enter the room. You can also select honeycomb shades that block a portion of the light from coming through. However, you can't have both light control benefits at once, since you need to decide when ordering them. 

You can also have the level of privacy that you want with honeycomb shades. Those blackout shades are not going to allow anybody to see into your home, while others will just allow some light in during the day. 

Cons Of Honeycomb Shades

You'll find that honeycomb shades are more expensive than other types of window treatments, which is due to their unique design that requires more fabric. This may cause you to only use honeycomb shades in certain rooms of your home where you want the benefits. 

The design options for honeycomb shades are also quite limited in comparison. You have a range of opacities and colors to pick from, but you don't have all the options that you would with other shades, drapes, or blinds. 

It's also quite easy for honeycomb shades to become damaged due to them being made out of fabric. If you have pets that tend to jump at the window when you come home, you may find that honeycomb shades are not the right choice for you. Instead, you'll want something much more durable that can stand up to the wear and tear of pets. 

Contact a local honeycomb window shade service to learn more. 
