The Perks Of Hardie Fiber Cement Siding

31 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are in the market for new exterior siding, you should definitely consider Hardie fiber cement siding. Hardie fiber cement is a popular exterior siding product that is made out of concrete aggregate. In many ways, fiber cement is similar to vinyl siding. This article explains exactly what fiber cement siding is and few features that make it a leading siding option. You might find that it is even a better option that vinyl siding.

What is Fiber Cement Siding?

Fiber cement siding is basically made out of recycled, ground up concrete aggregate. This fine powder is then glued together with lightweight epoxies. This ultimately makes the fiber cement look like real cement, but much lighter. This allows it to be used on vertical siding without putting too much weight on the sidewalls. The epoxies in the siding also make it much more waterproof and weather resistant, because the surface is less porous than normal concrete; you can easily clean Hardie siding with hoses or sponges as water will not damage it. Also, the surface of fiber cement is great for painting. It is smoother than most stucco textures, so you can update the paint whenever you want.

Shingle or Planks

Fiber cement is made as both plank and shingle siding. Shingles are a little more common for fiber cement because they are the lightest option. They are also popular because you can buy packages that include shingles that have varying colors. These colors are chosen so they look good together when they are randomly installed on the wall. The main drawback to shingle siding is that there are more individual pieces to install. That being said, it is easy to replace or change out a shingle that gets broken.

Panel siding is a little easier to install because the pieces are larger.  If a panel gets broken somehow, you will have to change out the entire piece, which is usually more difficult. Basically, planks are easier to install but harder to repair than shingle siding. So, if you are considering installing your own siding, the panel style will probably be the easiest to work with.

No matter what type of fiber cement you choose, it is a great siding product because it adds valuable protection to your sidewall. It adds insulation to your home and makes your property more energy efficient. Fiber cement siding is a simple way to completely alter the look of your house. Contact a company like Blue Springs Siding and Windows for more information. 
